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percakapan bahasa inggris

Berikut adalah rangkuman percakapan bahasa Inggris yang paling umum untuk membantu Anda dengan cepat memahami dan menggunakan bahasa Inggris sehari-hari. Frasa/ dialog percakapan bahasa Inggris ini difokuskan pada topik-topik yang sudah dikenal seperti sapaan, janji temu, pembelian, dll. Ayo kita pelajari beberapa contoh percakapan bahasa Inggris dalam artikel di bawah ini bersama ELSA Speak!

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1. Mengatur Jadwal Belajar Tepat Waktu Harian dan Mingguan

Mengatur jadwal belajar harian dan mingguan yang spesifik akan membantu Anda mengarahkan tujuan dan hasil dalam jangka waktu tertentu.

Setiap hari fokus pada satu topik komunikasi, dan tinjau kembali secara lengkap pada akhir pekan akan membantu Anda memperkuat kemampuan komunikasi Anda.

2. Berlatih berbicara dan mendengarkan secara bersamaan

Membangun sistem refleksi komunikasi adalah kunci untuk lebih memahami percakapan dalam bahasa Inggris dan dapat berbicara dengan jelas. Anda sebaiknya mempelajari percakapan dalam bahasa Inggris sekaligus mendengarkan audio, video di Youtube, dan lainnya untuk meningkatkan kemampuan refleksi komunikasi Anda!

3. Meningkatkan kosa kata bahasa Inggris untuk komunikasi

Setiap percakapan bahasa Inggris yang berhubungan dengan suatu topik. Anda harus mempelajari kelompok kosakata terkait topik tersebut untuk memperkaya kosakata saat berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris, sekaligus membantu mengenali konsonan dan vokal dalam bahasa Inggris dengan efektif.

4. Berlatih berbicara dan mendengarkan secara bersamaan

Dan hal yang paling penting untuk mahir berbahasa Inggris adalah berlatih berkomunikasi dengan teman atau penutur asli. Baik proses belajar dan mengasah percakapan bahasa Inggris Anda harus digunakan dalam lingkungan kehidupan nyata untuk membantu Anda mendapatkan kepercayaan diri dan efektivitas dalam berkomunikasi lebih cepat.

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Contoh percakapan bahasa Inggris sehari-hari secara singkat

Lesson 1. Where are you from? – Kamu berasal dari mana?

Elsa: Hello

Peter: Hi

Elsa: Do you speak English?

Peter: A little. Are you Vietnamese? 

Elsa: Yes. 

Peter: Where are you from?

Elsa: I’m from Ha Noi.

Peter: Nice to meet you.

Elsa: Nice to meet you too.

Lesson 2. Do you speak English? – Apakah kamu bisa berbicara bahasa Inggris?

Elsa: Excuse me, are you American?

Tim: No. I’m from Indonesia.

 Elsa: Do you speak English?

Tim: A little, but not very well.

Elsa: How long have you been here?

Tim: 3 months.

Elsa: What do you do for work?

Tim: I’m a student. How about you?

Elsa: I’m a student too.

>>>Baca juga: 100+ Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Sehari-hari

Lesson 3. What’s your name? – Siapa namamu?

Jessica: Hello

Elsa: Hi

Jessica: What’s your name?

Elsa: My name is Elsa. What’s yours?

Jessica: I’m Jessica.

Elsa: You speak English very well.

Jessica: Thank you.

Elsa: Do you know what time it is?

Jessica: Sure. It’s 7:00 PM.

Elsa: What did you say?

Jessica: I said it’s 7:00 PM.

Elsa: Thanks.

Jessica: You’re welcome

Lesson 4. Asking directions – menanyakan arah

Amy: Hi Michael.

Michael: Hi Amy. What’s up?

Amy: I’m looking for the bus. Can you tell me how to get there?

Michael: No, sorry. I don’t know.

Amy: I think I can take the bus stop to the bus. Do you know where the bus stop is?

Michael: Sure, it’s over there.

Amy: Where? I don’t see it.

Michael: Across the street.

Amy: Oh, I see it now. Thanks.

Michael: No problem.

Amy: Do you know if there’s a restroom around here?

Michael: Yes, there’s one here. It’s in the store.

Amy: Thank you.

Michael: Bye.

Amy: Bye bye.

>>> Baca: Cara menulis CV bahasa Inggris yang benar dan profesional

Lesson 5. I’m hungry – Aku lapar.

Elsa: Hi Sarah, how are you?

Sarah: Fine, how are you doing?

Elsa: OK.

Sarah: What do you want to do?

Elsa: I’m hungry. I’d like to eat something.

Sarah: Where do you want to go?

Elsa: I’d like to go to a Vietnamese restaurant.

Sarah: What kind of Vietnamese food do you like?

Elsa: I like Pho. Do you like Pho?

Sarah: No, I don’t, but I like Bun Cha.

Lesson 6. Do you want something to drink? – Apakah Anda ingin minum sesuatu?

Elsa: David, would you like something to drink?

David: Yes, I’d like some tea.

Elsa: Sorry, I don’t have any tea.

David: That’s OK. I’ll have a cup of coffee.

Elsa: A small glass, or a big one?

David: Small, please.

Elsa: Here you go.

David: Thanks.

Elsa: You’re welcome.

Lesson 7: That’s too late! – Sudah terlambat!

Elsa: Mary, would you like to get something to eat with me?

Mary: OK. When?

Elsa: At 11 O’clock.

Mary: 11 in the morning?

Elsa: No, at night.

Mary: Sorry, that’s too late. I usually go to bed around 10:30 PM.

Elsa: OK, how about 9:00 AM?

Mary: No, that’s too early. I’ll still be at work then.

Elsa: How about 6:00 PM?

Mary: That’s fine.

Elsa: OK, see you then.

Mary: Alright. Bye.

>>> Read more

Lesson 8. Choosing a time to meet – Memilih waktu untuk bertemu

Elsa: Jennifer, would you like to have lunch with me?

Jennifer: Yes. That would be nice. When do you want to go?

Elsa: Is today OK?

Jennifer: Sorry, I can’t go today.

Elsa: How about tomorrow?

Jennifer: OK. What time?

Elsa: Is: 12:30 PM all right?

Jennifer: I think that’s too late.

Elsa: Is 11:00 AM OK?

Jennifer: Yes, that’s good. Where would you like to go?

Elsa: The Japanese restaurant on 7th Street.

Jennifer: Oh, I don’t like that Restaurant. I don’t want to go there.

Elsa: How about the Vietnamese restaurant next to it?

Jennifer: OK, I like that place.

Lesson 9. When do you want to go? – Kapan kamu mau pergi?

Elsa: Hi Mark.

Mark: Hi.

Elsa: What are you planning to do tomorrow?

Mark: I’m not sure yet.

Elsa: Would you like to have dinner with me?

Mark: Yes. When?

Elsa: Is 6:30 PM OK?

Mark: Sorry, I didn’t hear you. Can you say that again please?

Elsa: I said, 6:30 PM.

Mark: Oh, I’m busy then. Can we meet a little later?

Elsa: OK, how about 7:30 PM?

Mark: OK. Where?

Elsa: How about Bill’s Seafood Restaurant?

Mark: Oh, Where is that?

Elsa: It’s on 8th Street.

Mark: OK, I’ll meet you there.

Lesson 10. Ordering food – Memesan makanan

Waitress: Hello madam, welcome to the Italian Restaurant. How many?

Elsa: One.

Waitress: Right this way. Please have a seat. Your waiter will be with you in a moment.

Waiter: Hell madam, would you like to order now?

Elsa: Yes please.

Waiter: What would you like to drink?

Elsa:  What do you have?

Waiter: We have bottled water, juice, tea and coffee.

Elsa: I’ll have a cup of tea, please.

Waiter: What would you like to eat?

Elsa: I’ll have a tuna fish sandwich and a bowl of vegetable soup.

Lesson 11. Now or later –  Sekarang atau nanti?

Elsa: Chris, where are you going?

Chris: I’m going to the shoe store. I need to buy something.

Elsa: Really? I need to go to the shoe store too.

Chris: Would you like to come with me?

Elsa: Yeah, let’s go together.

Chris: Would you like to go now or later?

Elsa: Now.

Chris: What?

Elsa: Now would be better.

Chris: OK, let’s go.

Elsa: Should we walk?

Chris: No, it’s too far. Let’s drive.

Lesson 12. Do you have enough money? Apakah kamu memiliki cukup uang?

Elsa: Laura, what are you going to do today?

Laura: I’m going shopping.

Elsa: What time are you leaving?

Laura: I’m going to leave around 3 o’clock.

Elsa: Will you buy a ham sandwich for me at the store?

Laura: OK.

Elsa: Do you have enough money?

Laura: I’m not sure.

Elsa: How much do you have?

Laura: 30 dollars. Do you think that’s enough?

Elsa: That’s not very much.

Laura: I think it’s OK. I also have two credit cards.

Elsa: Let me give you another ten dollars.

Laura: Thanks. See you later.

Elsa: Bye.


Lesson 13. How have you been? Bagaimana kabarmu?

Elsa: Hello Karen.

Karen: Hi Elsa. How have you been?

Elsa: Not so good.

Karen: Why?

Elsa: I’m sick.

Karen: Sorry to hear that.

Elsa: It’s OK. It’s not serious.

Karen: That’s good. How’s your husband?

Elsa: He’s good.

Karen: Is he in America now?

Elsa: No, he’s not here yet.

Karen: Where is he?

Elsa: He’s in Indonesia with our kids.

Karen: I see. I have to go now. Please tell your husband I said hi.

Elsa: OK, I’ll talk to you later.

Karen: I hope you feel better.

Lesson 14. Introducing a friend – Memperkenalkan seorang teman

Elsa: Robert, this is my friend, Mrs. Smith.

Robert: Hi, Nice to meet you.

Smith: Nice to meet you too.

Robert: Mrs. Smith, what do you do for work?

Smith: I’m a doctor.

Robert: Oh. Where do you work?

Smith: RSUD Kemayoran Hospital in Jakarta City. What do you do?

Robert: I’m a teacher.

Smith: What do you teach?

Robert: I teach Math.

Smith: Where?

Robert: At a high school in Jakarta city.

Smith: That’s nice. How old are you?

Robert: I’m 26.

Smith: Nice to meet you.

Robert: Nice to meet you too.

Di atas adalah 78 contoh percakapan bahasa Inggris sehari-hari yang dapat membantu Anda dengan cepat mengembangkan kemampuan saat belajar bahasa Inggris. Untuk belajar dengan efektif, terapkanlah cara mendengarkan percakapan bahasa Inggris berdasarkan topik yang ELSA Speak sarankan untuk memudahkan pembelajaran percakapan bahasa Inggris!

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